Fill up the fields needed for the plugin settings. 


1.) Please set this to Enabled in order t use the smoovpay service.

2.) (Optional) Displays title during checkout for the smoovpay service to be visible.

3.) Optional) Displays title during checkout for the smoovpay service to be visible.

4.) Enabling Sandbox means you’re going to use the service for testing, so this must be “Unchecked” in order to use it on Live.

5.) Your email address used to log in on smoovpay merchant portal

6.) Secret Key - this can be found on smoovpay merchant portal. Upon login, click the “Merchant Setting” menu, then the SecretKey will appear.

7.) When Enabled/Checked, technical error and successful transaction will be sent via email.

8.) E-mail address of who will receive the debugging error.