If you are a developer who wish to integrate SmoovPay into your customized web site, please refer to our published integration docs, and visit our developer site to create a test account.

SmoovPay has ready made plug-ins for these Open-Source E-Commerce platforms:

1. OpenCart
    Compatible with OpenCart 1.5.1 to and OpenCart to

2. Magento
    Compatible with Magento 1.5 to

3. WooCommerce
    Compatible with WooCommerce 2.0 to 2.3.5 on Wordpress 3.5 to 4.1.1

To download these plug-ins, login to your SmoovPay account, and click on the "Download E-Commerce Plug-ins" link on the left menu.


Please uninstall any previous version prior to installing the latest version. Refer to the individual plug-in's installation manual for installation instructions.


1. For security reasons, product descriptions that contain HTML will be restricted to only these HTML tags:
    - Bold text - <b> and <strong>
    - Italics text - <i> and <em>
    - Underlined text - <u>

2. Supported currencies
    - SGD
    - USD

Change Log

Please refer to the individual plug-in's readme.txt file for the version change log.