1. Visit the SmoovPay merchant sign up page.
2. Enter Account Information. Please enter a valid email address that will be used for signing into your SmoovPay account and create and confirm a new password.
3. Enter Business Information.
Already signed-up but not receiving account activation email?Request to resent the account activation email.
2. Enter Account Information. Please enter a valid email address that will be used for signing into your SmoovPay account and create and confirm a new password.
3. Enter Business Information.
4. Enter Account User Information. Please enter in the Business Owner's Full name and Mobile Phone number then confirm captcha.
5. Please Read our SmoovPay Terms of Service and select the check box to agree to it before you click on "Sign Up".
6. An "account activation email" will be sent to your signup email, be sure to activate the link within 24 hours.
After SmoovPay account activation, you can start collecting money instantly. Visit our SmoovPay login page.
Already signed-up but not receiving account activation email?Request to resent the account activation email.