Operator Management is a feature that allows you to delegate your work to your employees so that they will be able to use SmoovPay Services in terms of Accounting Purposes, Monitoring of Transaction Captured, Performing Refund, Downloading Report with permission given to them in your choice of setting.
Fig 1:
Create new operator
To be able to start adding your employee (Operator), you may follow the guide below for better understanding
Fig 2:
Click on the "Create a new operator" button as shown on the screenshot (Fig 2).
Create Operator
Fig 3:
Step 1: Enter the email of the Operator you wish to add as shown in (Fig 3), please be reminded that the email must be a VALID email ID as there will be emails to be sent to the inbox for retrieval of the password to login.
Step 2: Enter the Description you wish to use for better management of your Operator tagging (E.g. Accountant , Sales , Operation)
Fig 4:
Step 3: Set Roles and Permission (Fig 4)
This is the list of permissions that you may wish to authorise the Operator in which you delegated with permission, defined as follows:
- Download Report : To have the ability to download report in SmoovPay as long as there is a "Download Report" button in the page
- Refund - To be able to refund / partial refund of the transaction that is captured in your Merchant account
- Withdrawal - To access the "Withdrawal" feature and withdraw the fund in your Merchant Account
- Maker - To create a transaction, and submit to approval by the Administrator of the Merchant Account (smoovdemo@gmail.com) or a "Checker" permission
- Checker - To approve or complete the transaction or task that is make by the Maker.
Step 4: Once you have finalize the setting and permission for the Operator, click "Create" and the system will record into the system.
Operator Created Successfully
If you have successfully created an Operator, you will see the screenshot as shown in (Fig 5).
Fig 5:
In the screenshot (Fig 5). you will see there are 3 Actions appeared after you have successfully created the Operator.
- Reset Password - Reset the password for the Operator in the event they had forgotten.
- Edit - To edit the Roles and Permission that you assigned earlier to the particular Operator.
- Remove - To remove the Operator in the event you do not allow them to enter or perform any task in your Merchant Account.
To have a better understanding of the Maker & Checker role, the Operator with the email (smoovtester@armyspy.com) is the "Accountant" which has the permission to create a transaction in your Merchant Account to "Refund" , "Withdraw". To complete the transaction, the "Administrator" (smoovdemo@gmail.com) or the "Checker" role is required to enter in their Account to approve the transaction.
If you wish that your Operator be able to create a transaction and authorise by themselves, you may tick on the "Maker" and "Checker" roles under that Operator account.
Sample Email
For your Operator that you have created, they will receive an email sent by SmoovPay System in their Email Inbox with subject entitled: "SmoovPay : Operator Username and Password" as shown above.
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