Step 1: Search the payment record that you want make refund. You can filter it by any of the field below:
Date From (yyyy-mm-dd) To (yyyy-mm-dd) .
ID (The unique number issued by SmoovPay for invoice)
Reference (Merchant can set their own reference in Payment Link)
Type (Credit Card/Swipe)
Status (Captured/Authorized)
Customer’s Email
Customer’s Contact (Mobile)
Step 2: Click on “Search” and the record will display on Full Payment History.
Step 3: Click on the ID or “View” URL of the record to view the details.
You should be able to view the details of this payment record.
Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the page; enter the amount you want to refund, enter the reference (optional). Click on “Refund" button.
*The refund full amount by default.
For partial refund, the merchant needs to enter the amount and we will only charge the payment the merchant collected eventually.
Step 5: You may choose to inform the customer in regards of the refund by checking the box, Then Click Refund to proceed with the refund.
Then you will be receiving an email that informs you that the refund has been done.