Discount Vouchers is a feature that allows to create Voucher which can be used to encourage your customer to spend more on current visit then get them to return with discount on next visit.
Important Notice!
Please be informed that the cardholder are required to have a SmoovPay User Wallet Account in order to receive a Discount Voucher. The purpose is to encourage them to re visit your website again and checkout seamlessly without having the trouble of re entering their credit card information again to Check Out on the payment.
The process of the Cardholder to sign up a SmoovPay User Account can be done online by clicking on the link below:
Manage your Discount Voucher
Fig 1:
Above is the screenshot on how the feature looks like in your Merchant Account. (Fig. 1)
- Sequence - This is auto generated by the system in numeric form. The very first voucher created would be "1"
- Voucher Name - The name of the Voucher that you have given
- Discount - The discount value of the voucher ($ or %)
- Minimum Spending - The minimum spending to by the cardholder to be eligible to receive the voucher
- Used Voucher - Numbers of voucher used
- Issued Voucher - Numbers of voucher issued
- Redemption Valid From - Start date of the voucher that can be used
- Redemption Valid Until - End date of the voucher that can be used (Expiry Date)
- Status - Inactive / Active (defined as to start launching and issue the voucher or on hold till you have Activate it.)
- Action - To "Activate Now" and allow the system to start issuing or "View Details" if there is any amendment to be made
To start creating Discount Voucher, kindly scroll down and on the guided steps.
Fig 2:
Once you have click on the button, it will redirect you to another page where you can start creating the voucher by filling up the information
Fig 3:
2.1) Sequence - This is auto generated by the system in numeric form. The very first voucher created would be "1"
2.2) Voucher Name - The name of the Voucher that you have given (e.g. Christmas)
2.3) How many voucher to give out ? - No Limit - Unlimited as long as cardholder spend the minimum requirement
2.4) How many voucher to give out ? - Global Limit - Set a limit amount of the voucher to be distributed (e.g 100)
2.5) Discount type - Types of discount as follow
- 2.5a) Dollars ($) - The amount of discount voucher (e.g. 50.00)
- 2.5b) Percentage (%) - The discount percentage of the voucher (e.g 20%)
2.6) Voucher Image - Upload your own Discount Voucher design image
2.7) Default Voucher - SmoovPay default Discount Voucher Image
2.8) Description - Type some words not more than 140 words (e.g. Santa Claus is coming to Town!)
2.9) How Can SmoovPay Cardholder Receive This Voucher? When cardholder spend -
- No Minimum Amount - Cardholders who spent any amount are entitled to 1 voucher
- Minimum Amount of - Cardholders are required to spend a minimum amount to be eligible for entitlement of the voucher (e.g. 20.00)
2.10) When Can SmoovPay Cardholder Use Your Voucher? When cardholder spend -
- No Minimum Amount - Cardholders who spent any amount can use the voucher on their next purchase
- Minimum Amount of - Cardholders are required to spend a minimum amount to use the voucher on their next purchase (e.g. 20.00)
2.11) Redemption Frequency Type - How frequent can the cardholder use the voucher if they have more than 1 voucher in their account
- Certain Period - Fill up the additional field "Voucher Validity Date" and set the date range that the cardholder can start using the voucher
- Daily - Fill up the additional field "Voucher Validity Date" + "Voucher Validity Time" and set the date and time range that the cardholder can start using the voucher
- Weekly - Fill up the additional field "Voucher Validity Date" + "Voucher Validity Time" + "Redemption Day" and set the date and time and which day that the cardholder can start using the voucher
Fig 4:
Kindly double check on the information before selecting the button as follow:
- Done - The information is correct and wish to save the information
- Cancel - The information is wrong and require to redo all over again
Fig 5:
Step 4: Activation of the voucher
Once the voucher is successfully created, the status would be "inactive" by default
- Activate Now - To activate and allow SmoovPay system to start issuing the voucher if your customer had met the require amount spending
- View Detail - To review on the information that you have filled up in Step 2:
Fig 6:
Lastly, Fig 6 is a sample of the voucher that the cardholder will receive in their USER Wallet Account.
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