When you have successfully sign up with SmoovPay, you will be seeing the image below as"Business Profile"in general.
Swift Code - The code that is use for internet banking e.g. DBS/POSB - DBSSSGSG , UOB - UOVBSGSG
Bank Code - The 4 Digit or the code from the Issuing Bank
Branch Code - The area code which classified the Branch Location
Account Number - The Bank Account Number that the bank given to you
Country - The Bank Location (country)
1a) Account Details
Account details defined as the following:
- Account Email - The Username (Email) that you have sign up with SmoovPay
- Company Name - Your Company Name that is declared in your ACRA (Bizfile)
- Business Name - The Business Name of your Company
- Contact Person - The name of the person whom sign up with SmoovPay
- Join Date - The date that the person had sign up and successfully create a Merchant Account with SmoovPay
- Status - Status of your current account
If you wish to edit any of the above information, kindly email to enquiry@smoovpay.com and provide the following information for verification purpose.
Here is an example for your reference if you wish to change the Company Name
- Current Company Name : SmoovDemo
- New Company Name : SmoovPay Testing
Username: smoovdemo@gmail.com
1b) Bank Account Detail
If you wish to update your Bank Account Detail, here are the steps to make the amendment.
Step 1: Click on the "Update" button
Step 2: Fill in the detail in the following format
Bank Name - The Name of the Bank you are using e.g OCBC, DBS , UOB , CIMB, Standard Chartered , Maybank
- Choose "Other" in drop down and select the Issuing Bank of your Bank Account
- In the option in the dropdown, you may enter the Bank Name on your own
Note* For all POSB Bank, kindly select "Other" as Bank Name and type "POSB"
Step 3 : Tick on the box indicated if the information is correct
Step 4 : Click on the "Submit" button and it will be saved. Your Business Profile will be then updated.
1c) SmoovPay Service Charge History
This column is the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) and User Service Charge (USC) that SmoovPay offers you upon sign up.
- Rate : Defined as the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) to be charged for every transaction captured
- Transaction Fees: Defined as the User Service Charge for every transaction captured
In conclusion, for every successfully payment captured in SmoovPay, there will be a 2.9% MDR and 0.25 USC (FEES) / transaction charge. If you are using SmoovPay to collect SGD currency, the FEES would be charged in SGD currency. If you are using SmoovPay to collect USD currency, the FEES would be charged in USD currency.
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