Credit Card Discount is the feature which allows you to increase sales by having promotion. Payment that is paid using the specified credit card will be eligible for the discount during checkout.

Important Notice!

  • Please be informed that you are require to call up the Specific Bank and request for the whole list of Credit Card first 6 digit number that is currently available in the market
  • You are require to create individually  for every single credit card issued by that particular bank by creating templates in your Merchant Account as follow:

Credit Card Discount

Fig 1:

Above is the screenshot on how the feature looks like in your Merchant Account. (Fig. 1)

  • Valid From - The start date to allow SmoovPay System to start applying the discount when the Cardholder is using the credit card.
  • Valid To - The end date of the discount
  • BIN - The first "6" digit of the credit card
  • Description - The title of the discount
  • Discount - The discount value by % or $
  • Minimum Amount - The minimum spending to be eligible for the discount
  • Action - To "Update" or "Delete" the discount record

Step 1: Click on the "Create" button

You will be able to see the page as shown in Fig.2

Step 2: Enter the Information

Fig 2:


  • 2.1. Begin Date - The start date of the discount
  • 2.2. End Date - The end date of the discount
  • 2.3. Eligible for credit card start with number - The first "6" Digit of the credit card
  • 2.4. Discount Title - The title of the discount
  • 2.5. Discount Description - The description of the discount
  • 2.6a Discount Value - To be in % or $
  • 2.6b Minimum total amount required for discount - Minimum amount spend
  • 2.7. Cancel / Submit - To save or cancel

Step 3: To Update or Delete 

Once you have successfully save the discount information, you will see an updated Credit Card Discount feature as shown in Fig 3.

Fig 3.


To Update on the information, click on the Update link as shown.

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